Monday, April 14, 2014

The Biblical Picture of a Fool: Turns out they're not Dumb

The Bible would categorize the person who does this as a “fool”. King David stated as such in Psalms 14:1. He points out that their corruption translates into their deeds. This doesn’t mean necessarily they are unintelligent or even immoral by a worldly standard. Yet their approach to whatever source of truth is ultimately futile since they are devoid of belief. Why is this? The fall of humankind as recorded in Genesis 3. In Genesis God created man and woman and He declared them good. They lived in the presence of God in an innocent state. They were not perfect since they had not been tested and their character proven true, but they were without sin. God instructed Adam and Eve that there was only one tree in the garden that they could not eat from. Sadly, Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. Adam served humanity as our seminal and federal head, meaning he was humanity’s representative before God and humanity’s father. His disobedience to God introduced to humanity. Our whole being is now affected by sin. This includes our thinking. Paul pointed out as much in the latter part of the passage already referenced, Romans 1:21. As our morality falls further into sin so does our thinking. The only chance we have for true knowledge is the illumination of the Spirit. In I Cor. 2:10-14 we see that Paul makes it clear knowledge of God can only be caught, never taught by way of human intellect. In fact, only the Spirit of God knows the thoughts of God, so for humanity, in order to know God relationally or understand scripture we must first have the Spirit. Knowledge of God is purely a gift to those who believe. In Romans 12:1-2 Paul taught that we offer up our natural selves to be sacrificed on the altar, to be killed so that a renewal may take place, the renewal of our minds. How then, can someone who has rejected God and His Spirit expect to have any kind of true knowledge of science, medicine, art or ethics? These things are only fuller understood in their proper light as creations of God that when done with excellence and sincerity reflect the glory and beauty of God.

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