Revelation 20:4 has caused quite
a bit of theological ruckus among theologians and Christians. The verse clearly
indicates the saints resurrecting and reigning with Christ for a thousand
years. Some disagree though if this verse is referring to a literal thousand
years or a figurative thousand years, or they argue about when this thousand
year reign is placed in the time frame of the last times] I’ll briefly distill
each view below.
The theologians in this camp reject the idea of a literal thousand years. They
see the millennial Kingdom as something that is already present in the church
age. It is interpreted as a symbolic period of time. They see this view as
being consistent with the highly symbolic nature of the apocalyptic genre of
the book of Revelation, sometimes indicating that the thousand years represent
God's rule over his creation or the Church
The theologians in this camp recognize the thousand year reign as literal,
however they think Christ will return (second coming) after the thousand years
is over. The thousand years will be a golden age for Christians when
righteousness is practiced widely. They see Christ’s reign as physical and
earthly during the millennial reign. In terms of the rapture,
they typically tend to see it coming before (dispensational) or after
(historic) the tribulation preceding the millennium.
The theologians in this camp believe in a literal thousand year reign, however,
they see Christ’s return (second coming) happening first, then Christ is
present throughout the thousand year reign. In terms of the rapture, the
“Pre-mils” disagree with the “Post-mils” that Christ’s second coming will be
before the Millennial Kingdom. Therefore the rapture would be after in
conjunction with the Second Advent.
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